- blink1_adjustBrightness
void blink1_adjustBrightness(ubyte brightness, ubyte* r, ubyte* g, ubyte* b)
Using a brightness value, update an r,g,b triplet
Modifies r,g,b in place
- blink1_bootloaderGo
int blink1_bootloaderGo(blink1_device* dev)
Tell blink(1) to reset into bootloader.
- blink1_bootloaderLock
int blink1_bootloaderLock(blink1_device* dev)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- blink1_clearCacheDev
int blink1_clearCacheDev(blink1_device* dev)
Clear the blink1 device cache for a given device.
- blink1_close_internal
void blink1_close_internal(blink1_device* dev)
Close opened blink1 device.
- blink1_degamma
int blink1_degamma(int n)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- blink1_deviceType
blink1Type_t blink1_deviceType(blink1_device* dev)
- blink1_deviceTypeById
blink1Type_t blink1_deviceTypeById(int i)
Returns device "mk" type at cache index i
- blink1_deviceTypeToStr
char* blink1_deviceTypeToStr(blink1Type_t t)
Return a string representation of the blink(1) device type
(e.g. "mk2" or "mk3")
- blink1_disableDegamma
void blink1_disableDegamma()
Disable blink1-lib gamma curve.
@note should probably always have it disabled
- blink1_eeread
int blink1_eeread(blink1_device* dev, ushort addr, ubyte* val)
Read eeprom on mk1 devices
- blink1_eewrite
int blink1_eewrite(blink1_device* dev, ushort addr, ubyte val)
Write eeprom on mk1 devices
- blink1_enableDegamma
void blink1_enableDegamma()
Enable blink1-lib gamma curve.
- blink1_enumerate
int blink1_enumerate()
Scan USB for blink(1) devices.
- blink1_enumerateByVidPid
int blink1_enumerateByVidPid(int vid, int pid)
Scan USB for devices by given VID,PID.
- blink1_error_msg
char* blink1_error_msg(int errCode)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- blink1_fadeToRGB
int blink1_fadeToRGB(blink1_device* dev, ushort fadeMillis, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b)
Fade blink1 to given RGB color over specified time.
- blink1_fadeToRGBN
int blink1_fadeToRGBN(blink1_device* dev, ushort fadeMillis, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte n)
Fade specific LED on blink1mk2 to given RGB color over specified time.
- blink1_getCacheIndexByDev
int blink1_getCacheIndexByDev(blink1_device* dev)
Return cache index for a given blink1_device object.
- blink1_getCacheIndexById
int blink1_getCacheIndexById(ushort i)
Return cache index for a given blink1 id (0-max or serial number as uint32)
- blink1_getCacheIndexByPath
int blink1_getCacheIndexByPath(char* path)
Return cache index for a given platform-specific USB path.
- blink1_getCacheIndexBySerial
int blink1_getCacheIndexBySerial(char* serial)
Return cache index for a given blink1 serial number.
- blink1_getCachedCount
int blink1_getCachedCount()
Return number of entries in blink1 device cache.
- blink1_getCachedPath
char* blink1_getCachedPath(int i)
Return platform-specific USB path for given cache index.
- blink1_getCachedSerial
char* blink1_getCachedSerial(int i)
Return bilnk1 serial number for given cache index.
- blink1_getId
int blink1_getId(blink1_device* dev, ubyte** idbuf)
- blink1_getSerialForDev
char* blink1_getSerialForDev(blink1_device* dev)
Return serial number string for give blink1 device.
- blink1_getStartupParams
int blink1_getStartupParams(blink1_device* dev, ubyte* bootmode, ubyte* playstart, ubyte* playend, ubyte* playcount)
@note only for devices with fw val 206+ or mk3
- blink1_getVersion
int blink1_getVersion(blink1_device* dev)
Get blink1 firmware version.
- blink1_isMk2
int blink1_isMk2(blink1_device* dev)
Returns if given blink1_device is a mk2 or not
- blink1_isMk2ById
int blink1_isMk2ById(int i)
Returns version of device at cache index i is a mk2
- blink1_open
blink1_device* blink1_open()
Open first found blink(1) device.
- blink1_openById
blink1_device* blink1_openById(uint id)
- blink1_openByPath
blink1_device* blink1_openByPath(char* path)
Open blink(1) by USB path.
- blink1_openBySerial
blink1_device* blink1_openBySerial(char* serial)
Open blink(1) by 8-digit serial number.
- blink1_pid
int blink1_pid()
Product ID for blink1 devices.
- blink1_play
int blink1_play(blink1_device* dev, ubyte play, ubyte pos)
Play color pattern stored in blink1.
- blink1_playloop
int blink1_playloop(blink1_device* dev, ubyte play, ubyte startpos, ubyte endpos, ubyte count)
Play color pattern stored in blink1mk2.
- blink1_read
int blink1_read(blink1_device* dev, void* buf, int len)
Low-level read from blink1 device.
- blink1_readNote
int blink1_readNote(blink1_device* dev, ubyte noteid, ubyte** notebuf)
- blink1_readPatternLine
int blink1_readPatternLine(blink1_device* dev, ushort* fadeMillis, ubyte* r, ubyte* g, ubyte* b, ubyte pos)
Read a color pattern line to blink1.
- blink1_readPatternLineN
int blink1_readPatternLineN(blink1_device* dev, ushort* fadeMillis, ubyte* r, ubyte* g, ubyte* b, ubyte* ledn, ubyte pos)
Read a color pattern line to blink1.
ledn param only works on fw204+ devices
- blink1_readPlayState
int blink1_readPlayState(blink1_device* dev, ubyte* playing, ubyte* playstart, ubyte* playend, ubyte* playcount, ubyte* playpos)
Read the current state of a playing pattern.
- blink1_readRGB
int blink1_readRGB(blink1_device* dev, ushort* fadeMillis, ubyte* r, ubyte* g, ubyte* b, ubyte ledn)
Read current RGB value on specified LED.
- blink1_readRGB_mk1
int blink1_readRGB_mk1(blink1_device* dev, ushort* fadeMillis, ubyte* r, ubyte* g, ubyte* b)
Attempt to read current RGB value for mk1 devices.
- blink1_read_nosend
int blink1_read_nosend(blink1_device* dev, void* buf, int len)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- blink1_savePattern
int blink1_savePattern(blink1_device* dev)
Save color pattern in RAM to nonvolatile storage.
- blink1_serialnumread
int blink1_serialnumread(blink1_device* dev, ubyte** serialnumstr)
Read serial number from mk1 device. Does not work.
- blink1_serialnumwrite
int blink1_serialnumwrite(blink1_device* dev, ubyte* serialnumstr)
Write serial number to mk1 device. Does not work.
- blink1_serverdown
int blink1_serverdown(blink1_device* dev, ubyte on, ushort millis, ubyte st, ubyte startpos, ubyte endpos)
Tickle blink1 serverdown functionality.
- blink1_setLEDN
int blink1_setLEDN(blink1_device* dev, ubyte ledn)
Sets 'ledn' parameter for blink1_savePatternLine()
- blink1_setRGB
int blink1_setRGB(blink1_device* dev, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b)
Set blink1 immediately to a specific RGB color.
- blink1_setStartupParams
int blink1_setStartupParams(blink1_device* dev, ubyte bootmode, ubyte playstart, ubyte playend, ubyte playcount)
Only for devices with fw val 206+ or mk3
FIXME: make 'params' a struct
- blink1_sleep
void blink1_sleep(ushort delayMillis)
Simple wrapper for cross-platform millisecond delay.
- blink1_testtest
int blink1_testtest(blink1_device* dev, ubyte reportid)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- blink1_vid
int blink1_vid()
Vendor ID for blink1 devices.
- blink1_write
int blink1_write(blink1_device* dev, void* buf, int len)
Low-level write to blink1 device.
- blink1_writeNote
int blink1_writeNote(blink1_device* dev, ubyte noteid, ubyte* notebuf)
- blink1_writePatternLine
int blink1_writePatternLine(blink1_device* dev, ushort fadeMillis, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte pos)
Write a color pattern line to blink1.
- hexdump
void hexdump(FILE* fp, ubyte* buffer, int len)
- hexread
int hexread(ubyte* buffer, char* str, int buflen)
- hsbtorgb
void hsbtorgb(rgb_t* rgb, ubyte* hsb)
- msg
void msg(char* fmt, ...)
printf that can be shut up
- msg_setquiet
void msg_setquiet(int q)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- parsePattern
int parsePattern(char* str, int* repeats, patternline_t* pattern)
- parsecolor
void parsecolor(rgb_t* color, char* colorstr)
Barebones C wrapper for the blink(1) C library.
blink(1) C library -- aka "blink1-lib"
Part of the blink(1) open source hardware project See https://github.com/todbot/blink1 for details
2012-2014, Tod E. Kurt, http://todbot.com/blog/ , http://thingm.com/